Thursday, November 15, 2012

Bunny friends

This is one of my early project. I got the inspiration from this book entitled New Look of Needle Art, which I bought long time ago back in 2006. It was meant for the wall art, a series of embroided bunny hanging on the wall.  However, because of the project complexity I twisted the project by putting the embroided bunny inside the frame.

Sometimes when bought books it will give different inspiration. Always I  look at the book design but will end up with totally different ideas.  I found that book still gives detail information compared on those available on the internet. Of course, there are some amount that we have to pay to acquire knowledge.
These 2 bunnies  are  handmade,  basic knowledge on types of embroidery should be known if interested to make it. Satin stitch,  french knots, outline and fly are types of embroidery used for the project.

I intend to make the whole project again, like that being featured in the book. However I might use my brilliant sewing machine (got so many pattern stitches) to complete the project.

Pix  - Bunny holding flowers.

The inspiration begins....

The full wall art...from the book

Actual wall hanging.

One of the bunny sketches


  1. Salam perkenalan Puan Mazwin..saya browse "Projek menjahit" dan tersampai saya ke sini :-). Anyway, saya suka cara Puan Mazwin ceritakan fakta-fakta mengenai menjahit, khususnya tentang membeli kain, memilih mesin jahit, memadankan corak dan sebagainya. Saya kagum puan hasilkan cadar sendiri! Teruskan penceritaan puan untuk dikongsi bersama! I definitely will wait for your next posting!

  2. Terima Kasih Miz Elie kerana sudi meluangkan masa membaca blog saya. Memang saya ingin berkongsi maklumat berdasarkan projek-projek jahitan yang telah saya buat.
    Sebenarnya banyak lagi info yang ingin saya paparkan. Mungkin di masa hadapan saya ingin berkongsi cara-cara membuat projek jahihitan tersebut dengan lebih terperinci lagi.

    Rajin-rajinlah melawat homesewingdesign....

  3. 10ED07BBE7Richard96AED4FDC4January 4, 2025 at 1:03 PM

    organik takipci


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